Name: irene Hometown: - Sent: 11:11 AM - 9/9 i love u laguna! LAGUUUUUUNAAAAAAA anybody love him too? come join with me contact me ok? see u laguna forever! Name: Johanna Lestari Hometown: Jakarta,Indonesia Sent: 8:02 AM - 9/9 Hey! What a cool website! I also found out about rpgland from G13th. I hope there will be more website like this one. Good job guys! :p Name: MIKE Hometown: LA Sent: 5:57 AM - 9/8 HEY I LIKE YOUR DRAWINGS I WAS WOUNDERING IF YOU CAN GIVE ME SOME TIPS ONE HOW TO DRAW IF YOU CAN SEND ME AN E-MAIL Name: Donna Lesmana Hometown: Jakarta, Indonesia Sent: 2:22 AM - 9/8 Hi there, RPG!!!!!! Nice to be your guest. I like all our pic here. especially, NEO. He's so cool!!! I like all pics actually. Amidala is the cutest. hehehehee cyyaa soon Name: Sakana Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/timessquare/frontier/5343/ Hometown: AVAST Sent: 1:25 PM - 9/7 Walau~stil keeping up all the great works? Saya dah link engkau punya HP di HP baru saya lah! boelh, tukar link kah? Name: Do'om Homepage: http:// Hometown: indonesia Sent: 8:04 AM - 9/7 A very very superb sites for Chibi lover & I love it so much keep up the good work BTW I know this site from G13th. Name: [-Neo-] Hometown: Brossard (Qc) Sent: 10:40 PM - 9/6 H1, y0ur 4r3 v3ry g00d 1n dr4w1ng 4nd m3 t00, but 1 d0n't h4v3 4ny sc4nn3r, ¬_¬ S0 Bye Bye Thomas Anderson, [-Neo-] Homepage: http://soon, thanks to you! *bows* Hometown: (ah, kudu bilang gak yah?) Sent: 1:24 PM - 9/5 Just wanna say thanks again! *bows* "HAAAAPP.." *blown away by the wind again* Name: gabriel Homepage: http://none Hometown: chicago Sent: 5:05 PM - 9/4 Wow dude i love your art work its geat.i think your web page is the greatest. it got the the best art work in any of the others web page i visted. keep doing a great job. |