Name: JBIII Homepage: http://n/a Hometown: Not-cool Iowa Sent: 9:29 PM - 9/21 Great art! Name: WhitePhoenix Homepage: http://www.AsianAvenue.com/Referrals/Toshibe Hometown: Orlando, FL Sent: 5:34 PM - 9/21 Hey 526! This is the only way I could message you. Somehow, when I emailed a message to you, I got another one from the MailDemon or whatever saying that it couldn't send it to you because of something. Then I tried AA but you didn't reply. Just wanted to know if there's anything wrong with your email system or something. I got the pictures if you still want to help me with the thumbnailing part. Somehow, GeoCities won't let me use Javascript..... stupid isn't it? Man, I'm really hooked on this Andy Lau MP3 I just downloaded.... Name: Scott Chasty Homepage: https://members.tripod.com/the_journeyman Hometown: Atikokan/Thunder Bay ON Sent: 2:54 PM - 9/20 Great! Now I have lockjaw. I'll never be able to get my chin off the floor. Incredible use of digital and classical techniques. Keep it up. I pray more wallpapers will be added. Everyone on my e-mail list will hear about this. Name: Kearu Strife Hometown: Jakarta Sent: 7:51 AM - 9/20 I don't know what to say. This site is very cool !!! Especially cloud. HE SOOO CUTE !!! How if you draw all the main characters in final fantasy 7 & 8 ? PUHLEEZE ! I'm waiting for it. SEE YA ! Name: Alana Homepage: http://www.cybertiques.com/kawaii Sent: 5:37 AM - 9/19 WOW! You are really talented! I love all of it! The colors are great and you have a definate style! I'm gonna check this page out again! Name: Sonny Homepage: http://members.xoom.com/Akai_Tenshi Hometown: Calgary, Alberta, Canada Sent: 3:17 AM - 9/19 Impressive. The chibis look very nice and the colors are very well defined. Later. Name: Tito Haris Prasetyo Hometown: JKT Sent: 12:50 AM - 9/19 Kawaiiii...your sites is so cooolll i'll tell all my friends 'bout this ^' keep in touch..i support your sites from here!! how could u coloring your great sketches so beautiful?? d'u have an ICQ?^^ Name: Ophantszxt Homepage: http://I DONT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!! Hometown: Baram garden (????) Sent: 3:55 PM - 9/18 Pleeeez add more wallpaper. BTW your art are totalty GREEEAAAT!!!!!! C'ya Name: Johnny Hometown: funky town Ft. Worth Sent: 3:54 AM - 9/18 wats uppers to all tha FUNKY TOWN FT. WORTH MOBSTERS out there later Name: Marc kevin D. Aguihon Homepage: http://none Hometown: Philippines Sent: 1:13 PM - 9/17 yo!526 I already check your hot images I really like it hope you can finish you future projects and keep up the good work anyway thanks i already download all of your creations thanks a lot Dark zero
see u later....^_^
Name: FEI Homepage: http://!!!!!!! Hometown: BANDUNG,INDONESIA Sent: 5:09 AM - 9/16 Hai,is me again ya know. well i realy like that pic and ya know(awww i became like raijin ya know........ oh cut it out) anyway i realy-realy like it,realy.I like that Squall pic and that chocobo and that resident evil 2. It's sooooooooooooooooo cute. my........my.........eh.........anyway i look at game station paper (in bandung) there are your nick with the gozzila of course, is that realy you please answer ok. and thank about TOP in G13 now i can play again.anyway please say thank you to angel,and say hi to maddy(i love you te... he),to saka(why change? i didn't like that), to drag(oink.. oink..),to runa(i realy like that),to all the bad boys,to ariel(sorry i forgot you), and to jack(don't so hard to maddy or.............).ok that all see ya Name: Jodi Swasono Homepage: http://www.handwarni.com/co/kombokarnohotel Hometown: Yogyakarta Sent: 3:54 AM - 9/16 Wait a minute... what's wrong with you, huh!! kok halaman buku tamunya jadi tinggal satu, kemana yang lain... I hope you're not just throw it like a garbage. Yah... iseng-iseng gue ngunjungin web site-mu, dan seperti biasa... tetap cool and awesome, well... keep up the good work!!! Name: William Afandi Hometown: Jakarta Sent: 3:28 AM - 9/16 I just opened this site once, and I spend hours in this site! Guess why? Because there are too many cool picture I want to download!!!!!!!!! You are the greatest, man! Name: han Homepage: http://sites.netscape.net/onep1ece Hometown: jakarta Sent: 9:12 PM - 9/14 your sakuragi picture is AWESOME!!!!! Name: Xeng Hometown: Mattoon Sent: 1:34 AM - 9/14 This is probably one of my most favorites sites of all time! I never heard of the style chibi until I visited your site. It's amazing how you can draw these characters. I like the way you convert them into chibis. I also like the way you color them as well. Two thumbs up to you. Keep up the fantastic work. I look forward to seeing future illustrations. Name: Johan Hometown: surabaya Sent: 1:55 PM - 9/12 Hi, this is the first time i visit your site, by the way I knew this site by reading from game 13th and.... Far from what I think..this site is very beautiful. Are all of the picture is your drawing? wow, That's very good man! I really love your drawing. I like games and anime. Hope next time you'll present tokimeki art galleries. Thanx u. Name: Kwame "THe KiNG Homepage: http://angelfire.com/me2/tight4u Hometown: Atlanta<-- in the Usa Sent: 6:22 AM - 9/11 Well first i would like to say that Sony has had a great impact on my life and i would like to thank him. next i want to tell you that.....NO ONE TOPS SONY'S ART, yes as i was saying please check my site out. i admire sony'work and soon i will be as good well maybe not as good but i might come close Name: Nico Hometown: Semarang Sent: 5:02 AM - 9/11 WHAT A SURPRISE!!!! icant believe u came from Bandung.By the way can u send me chibi RIVAL SCHOLL for me (Pleaseee) |