Name: qrpg16 Hometown: Shevat Sent: 9:35 AM - 9/29 I like your artworks... I never knew an Indonesian that can draw as good as you. Hey, Why can't you draw any from XENOGEARS ??? Name: Andree Sunarsa Hometown: jakarta Sent: 2:09 AM - 9/29 Gua salut ama karya-karya elu. Gua kaga nyangka ada orang Indonesia bisa bikin gambar kaya gini. SALUTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!! Name: Angry man Homepage: http://what's that mean Hometown: same as your!!!! Sent: 1:07 AM - 9/29 HEEEY,there's a man in your guestbook who called him self W.Angel....and it's from Jkt???.THAAAT'S REALY NOT FUNY!!!! hey you,do you don't have another name?... YOU CAN DESTROY game13th good name by saying it from indonesia...and your languange is indonesian too??? HEY REEAD MY MESSAGE ,YOU COPY CAT!!! sorry 526,it's just i really angry coz i game13th loyal fans just like you. Homepage: http://er what's a homepage Hometown: Caister in rainy England Sent: 2:27 PM - 9/28 Damn man! How cool is this art!!! How the hell can ya draw like this!!! Name: R-Dee Homepage: http://Naah! Hometown: Igros Sent: 1:29 PM - 9/28 Pretty Cool For A White Guy !! Name: Arif Homepage: http://none Hometown: Galbadia Sent: 1:25 PM - 9/28 Cool Arts Man !!! Name: The Gump Homepage: http://Don't have one Hometown: Portsmouth, England Sent: 11:45 AM - 9/28 Man, you rock! And I mean ROCK! This is possibly the best art site on the web, beating even Rob DeJesus' Ai Candy, and thats' saying something. I love your Resident Evil 2 pic. Say, can you do one of Jill and Chris sometime. That would push me into sensory overload. Cheers for making my life worth living. You have a friend in me. Name: Super4goku Homepage: http://don't have one Hometown: Ciudad Juarez, Chih, Mex Sent: 10:26 PM - 9/27 Hey man, I'm the guy that asks you a bunch of stupid questions remember... ~~nobody cares~~ anyway, I still can't believe how the art in this website is so incredible. My drawing sucks big time after I saw yours... Name: xuria Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/xuria/ Sent: 6:29 AM - 9/27 Howdie! ^o^ just isenk-isenk....har har har....-_-; Name: Mysterius man Homepage: http://!@#$%^&* Hometown: Mysterius city Sent: 5:42 AM - 9/26 GREEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NIIIIIIIIICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CUUUUUUUUUUUUTEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KAABOOOOM!!! Name: w_angel Homepage: http://belon jadiiiiiiiiiii........ Hometown: jkt Sent: 7:13 PM - 9/25 hi.....long time no see ^_^......hahaha.... i just made a draw...but it no good .... Name: Terry Parr Homepage: http://temple.ctimes.net/Lara_Illustrated.html Hometown: StudsVille...population ME!!! Sent: 5:04 PM - 9/25 Hey you are really, really talented artist! very cool stuff...maybe you can add some of my pics to your guest artist area, hint!!! Name: Nana & Deti Homepage: http://squall lovers.com Hometown: Galbadia Sent: 2:27 PM - 9/25 haloooo ta526 situs loe sumpah keren abizzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Boleh tau belajar dari mana? tolong bikinin lebih banyak lagi squall and rinoa yang lagi berduaan sama Quistis juga boleh............ tetep kreatif and banyakin gambarnya kalo bisa nanti kita bantuin deh. bye.......... salam ya buat Tatsu Maki 'n Kenichi juga ganknya yang lain.. Name: Kairin Hometown: Sby Sent: 3:57 AM - 9/25 Hi...You've got nice pics there. I like your FFVIII pics and wallpapers. D'you mind to add some more pics and wallpapers of Squal???Thanks! ~_~ Name: Arthur Hometown: Jkt Sent: 2:57 PM - 9/23 Can I send you my sketch and please colouring it ?!!! I'm very impressed seeing your skill !!! If you want to, please let me know!! Name: Kujo"Tom"aro Homepage: http://members.xoom.com/indocomic Hometown: Surabaya Sent: 9:46 AM - 9/23 Can I send my drawings? Anyway, it's a cool site Name: Zycro X Hometown: Http://Kentutmuijo.^-^^_^ :) Sent: 8:32 AM - 9/23 Yahooo!!! it's me, Zycro!!! You're right about that @$$#0%! Magazine ( y'know that ). B'th'way, cool pics and great site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!KABOOOOOOOOOOOM Name: Carlo Homepage: http://pages.bolt.com/me/citan76/chilli.html Hometown: USA Sent: 4:53 AM - 9/23 Heeeeeeey there ! ... pretty cool site, i wonder if you do special projects coz i really want something for my GF ... im willing to pay you ( monetary or otherwise ). Contact me if you read this please ! Name: Fei,hey someone used my name too Hometown: Midgar Sent: 9:55 AM - 9/22 wow, Great sites...lots of great pics.I luv it man.. BTW, I wonder what is your relationship with G-13...hmmm?? Oh...why don`t you make Seung mina`s pics??!! I luv her...Gimme more mina`s!!!So you luv F.R.I.E.N.D.S too?! Woo Hoo I agree with you...Great TV shows.. Name: Trappers Homepage: http://members.xoom.com/indocomic Hometown: surabaya Sent: 3:18 AM - 9/22 |